How to Multiply in Google Sheets?

Google Sheets is a powerful and versatile tool that allows us (users!) to easily input, organize, and calculate data. One of the most fundamental and commonly used functions in spreadsheets is multiplication. And what is multiplication? Multiplication is a basic arithmetic operation that involves finding the product of two or more numbers.
Additionally, we will cover several useful tips and tricks, as well as answer some frequently asked questions.
So let’s start from the basics!
The Multiplication Formula
For this tutorial, we’ve made up with calculating a price for buying a monthly food provision for home pets like cats and dogs. Why? That’s because many of you might raise fluffy friends.
To multiply the values, you must select the cells that contain the numbers. You can do this by clicking and dragging your mouse over the cells or by using the Shift key to select multiple cells.
1. Firstly, let’s open up our document from Google Drive and decide on what digits we would like to multiply.

2. Once you have selected the cells, you can use the multiplication formula to calculate the product of the numbers. The multiplication formula in Google Sheets is the asterisk (*) symbol.
For example, if you wanted to multiply the values in cells C4 and D4, you would enter the formula “=C4*D4” in a new cell. Once you hit enter, the product of the two values will be displayed in the cell.

3. Here is the result! If the product cell is too small or doesn't display the number entirely, simply adjust the width of the cell by dragging the line between the cells to the right or left.

Tip: Avoid typing the formula manually, as this increases the chances of errors. Instead, use the formula creator, which is located in the formula bar to simplify the process.
Multiply Using Autofill
Autofill is a powerful tool that can save you a lot of time by automatically filling in a series of cells based on a pattern.
If you need to multiply a series of numbers (for example, if you want to multiply a list of numbers by a fixed factor), Autofill can help you do it quickly and easily. Simply enter your multiplication formula into one cell, then select that cell and drag the Autofill handle to copy the formula to other cells in the column or row.
Let’s see how it works in our example.
1. We have a list of values in column D that you want to multiply by the quantity in column C. As we already enter the formula = C4*D4 into cell E4. Now, select cell E4 and drag the Autofill handle down to copy the formula to all cells in column E. This will multiply each value and display the result in column E.

2. Now we have all values multiplied.

If you need to customize an Autofill cell based on your needs, simply right-click on the Autofill handle for more options.
Multiplying Function Plus Autofill
Luckily, there is one more way to multiply data with the help of the Function formula. Moreover, as Google Sheets gets smarter, it will show you a hint on possible autofill value the first time you choose a Function. Let’s see how it looks!
1. Step on the cell where you want to get the result, in our case it will be cell F4. Now go to the right side of the panel and click on the Functions icon. Choose Operator, and then Multiply.

2. After you choose the function Multiply, you will need to insert data as Factor 1 comma Factor 2. In our case, cells C4 and D4.

3. Hit on the C4 cell, type a comma, and hit the D4 cell. Now hit Enter.

4. Here is the result. And if you drag the cell result down below, you will see the same autofill value.

Multiply Across Different Cells and Rows with Product Formula
Now we are getting closer to a more complicated task.
If you need to multiply within different cells and rows, you can use the mouse to select the range of cells you want to multiply. Then, in the formula bar, simply enter the multiplication formula as before or use a Product formula.
Let’s imagine we decided to buy more packages of chosen food and we want to calculate according to the same price from column D.
Here's how it looks according to our scenario:
1. You have Sheet1 with a list of values to multiply. You want to select cell C11 and multiply on cell D4. In a new cell, enter the formula =PRODUCT(C11*D4) to calculate the total of those cells. Hit Enter.

2. Here is the result! And now drag the same Autofill handle and you will get all three values.

Tips to Remember for Correct Multiplication and Format Customization
1. Correct formatting cells for number display
One of the most critical formatting options for multiplication tables is to display numbers correctly. By default, Google Sheets displays numbers with two decimal places, which might not be suitable for multiplication tables. To format cells for number display in your multiplication table, follow these steps:
1.1 Select the cells you want to format.
1.2 Right-click on the cells, and select "Format cells" from the menu.
1.3 In the "Format cells" dialog box, choose "Number" from the list of formatting options.
1.4 In the "Decimal places" section, select the number of decimal places you want to show for your multiplication table.
2. Customization
To make your multiplication tables more visually appealing, you can customize the font and style. Here's how:
2.1 Select the cells you want to customize.
2.2 Click on the "Font family" drop-down menu in the toolbar and choose the font you want to use.
2.3 From the same toolbar, you can also choose the font size and text color for your multiplication table.
3. Adding borders and gridlines to multiplication tables
Borders and gridlines are useful for dividing your multiplication table into smaller segments and making it easier to read. Here's how to add borders and gridlines to your multiplication table:
3.1 Select the cells you want to add borders to.
3.2 Click on the "Borders" icon in the toolbar.
3.3 Choose the type and color of the border you want to add.
FAQ: Find Your Answer
It always takes time to learn new information and get familiar with the process. And when it comes to working in spreadsheets, it may feel frustrating. But we are here to help you out with new tutorials and as we recently used to arrange FAQ, here it comes.
Q: Can I multiply numbers in Google Sheets without using formulas or functions?
A: Yes, you can. One way to do this is to use the Fill handle to copy the formula across multiple cells. Alternatively, you can use the Paste Special feature to multiply values by a constant factor.
Q: Why do my multiplication formulas not work in Google Sheets?
A: There could be several reasons for this. Common issues include incorrect cell references, syntax errors in formulas, and formatting issues. Double-check your formulas and ensure that you're referencing the appropriate cells. If you're still having trouble, try using the "Trace Precedents" and "Trace Dependents" features to identify and resolve issues.
Q: Can I customize the formatting of multiplication tables in Google Sheets?
A: Yes, you can. Google Sheets provides a variety of formatting options, including border styles, font colors, and background colors. You can also customize the number format to display values as percentages, decimals, or scientific notation.
Q: Can I collaborate with others on multiplication worksheets in Google Sheets?
A: Yes, you can. Google Sheets provides powerful collaboration features that allow you to work on the same worksheet with others in real time. You can also use the commenting feature to leave feedback and suggestions for others.
We hope this tutorial was useful for you and welcome to follow our website updates!
And we also recommend experimenting and exploring with Google Sheets, as spreadsheets allow getting back to previous versions and seeing what was changed.
Good luck!

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