Free Letter of Recommendation Templates
Discover the collection of free letter of recommendation templates in Google Docs and Word. These blanks are also known as employment or job reference letters, and you can get them for free on this page. We provide only printable and editable samples, so you have complete freedom of customization. Find professional, simple, modern, gradient, and other designs.
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Apply (6 templates)
Citizenship Letter Of Recommendation
This tool is handy for preparing a formal letter of recommendation needed to support citizenship applications.
Business Letter of Recommendation
Our Business Letter of Recommendation Template is an indispensable example that will greatly simplify writing a recommendation letter.
College Recommendation Letter
Write a convincing letter of recommendation in no time with our College Recommendation Letter Template.
Job Recommendation Letter
Do you want to prepare a formal document to support a candidate?
Gradient Recommendation Letter
Elevate your recommendations to new heights with our Gradient Recommendation Letter Template. The seamless blend of colors in this design symbolizes progress and transformation.
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The design of a recommendation letter holds paramount importance in the professional realm. Our letters of recommendation templates are versatile tools employed for various purposes. They can serve as endorsements to provide a credible and firsthand account of qualifications and capabilities.