Elegant College Student Resume Template
Use this free template with Google Docs and Microsoft Word
This Elegant College Student Resume Template is suitable for people with a presence of relevant work experience. Large blocks of information and a header highlighted with a pleasing red color will help you stand out from other candidates.
Modern Resume Template
Our college resume template in Google Docs is a fantastic addition to your education and work experience. A placeholder for a photo can be used to personalize the template, and large fonts in the header will make HR pay more attention to your document.
Adaptive Structure for College Students
Unlike other options, this resume template is tailored for students and includes a career objective section. You can describe your applicable skills, education, and background.
There are also key sections such as My Contacts, Education, References (on the left), and Professional Experience (on the right).
You can start an effective job search today with free resume templates from TheGoodocs.
- Free Template
- Easily change the text, images, and more
- Created: August 7, 2024
- Author: Yurii Zakhidnyi
- DPI: 300. Ready to Print at Office/Home
- Size: 210 x 297 mm
- Free Standard Google fonts
- Compatible: Google Docs and Microsoft Word
- Color: Purple , White
- Style: Elegant
- Downloads: 9
- Added to collections: 4