Gradient Daily Planner Template
Use this free template with Google Docs and Microsoft Word

Check out this Daily Planner Template, available for free only on our website. Get an eye-catching design and a comprehensive structure to include your priorities, notes, and main tasks for each day.
White Sections with Lined Layout
Our blank is perfect for use on any device and for printing. The versatile design and two print sizes (A4 and US Letter) make this tool versatile.
Five Categories to Plan Your Daily Routine
This bright form consists of such sections as “am” and “pm” to enter all plans for today, such as work time and tasks, rest, lunch, and others. The date section will help you monitor and optimize the schedule.
“Priorities for today” is a perfect opportunity to write down the most vital tasks. The "don't forget" section is also very important for people engaged in multiple tasks throughout the day.
Find your perfect planner templates for free only on TheGoodocs.
- Free Template
- Easily change the text, images, and more
- Created: November 15, 2021
- Author: Leah Evans
- DPI: 300. Ready to Print at Office/Home
- Size: 8.5 x 11 inch , 210 x 297 mm
- Free Standard Google fonts
- Compatible: Google Docs and Microsoft Word
- Color: Pink , Purple , Yellow
- Style: Gradient
- Downloads: 8
- Added to collections: 7