Unlimited creativity with Goodocs Premium

Discover thousands of unique, editable templates for Google Docs, Slides and Sheets!
Our specially designed templates work great with Google Workspace, saving you time and money.

Individual Plan: For all, with full access to materials and templates at a standard price.
Increased Upload Limits
5 / per month
Unlimited *
Google Docs, Slides, Sheets documents
Unlimited access to 10000+ Premium Commercial and Personal use
No need to credit TheGoodocs
Browse without ads
Priority Support
Cancel Any Time
*As a subscribed user, you have a limit of 100 downloads per day.
12 month (Premium Individual)
Number of users
2.50 $/month
29.99 $* every 12 months / per user
*VAT and locale taxes may apply
Cancel Any Time
1 month (Premium Individual)
Number of users
9.99 $/month
9.99 $* every month / per user
*VAT and locale taxes may apply
Cancel Any Time
Why The Goodocs Premium ?
Exclusive Content
Gain access to our exclusive templates for Google Docs, Google Slides and Sheets
Unlimited Downloads
Enjoy limitless downloads of high-quality templates without any restrictions
Full License, Free from Ads
Enjoy unlimited template downloads without any interruptions or hassles.
Exclusive Educational Pricing
Special discounts for students, teachers, schools, universities, and other educational institutions.
Boost your productivity and create easily with our premium templates.
Start using them today and see the difference!
Your paid subscription gives you access to all the templates on our TheGoodocs website. You can edit them online or download and use them an unlimited number of times. You also get access to regular updates and our support.
The subscription price depends on the plan you choose. We accept major credit cards and online payment systems. To find out current pricing and available plans.
Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time with no additional fees or penalties. Just send us an email or a chat message
We update our templates regularly to bring you new designs and styles. Updates are usually released daily so you can utilize the most current resources.
If you have any problems or questions related to our templates, please contact our support team here. We are available to help you resolve any issues you may have.
Subscription is valid for one user only and cannot be shared with other users. If your colleagues or friends also have an interest in our templates, they can purchase their own subscriptions.
Our templates are provided in Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets format, which makes them easy to edit and share. You can easily open and edit them with your Google account.
Yes, you can use our templates for commercial and personal purposes. They are designed for creating professional documents and presentations.
Instructions on how to use google docs templates can be found here (https://thegoodocs.com/tutorials/post-how-to-get-and-use-google-docs-templates.php ) and on our YouTube Channel ( https://www.youtube.com/@thegoodocs/videos )
Yes, your subscription will be automatically updated by default to ensure continued access to unlimited downloads. If you choose to cancel your subscription or request a refund, please contact us here