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Elegant Award Certificate Template

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Are you in search of an elegant award certificate? We have created a perfect one for you. Its design is mostly dark which makes it special. The word "certificate" is written in light letters as well as all other text on the google docs template. We selected the best font styles that will help you to make this certificate a fantastic gift for someone. The person who received this paper can get a free massage or one hour in a spa. The elegant design of the layout makes it suitable for giving to both men and women. If you want to use this template for your purposes, you can do it for free.
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2 review
Created: May 26, 2021
Author: Lily Perez
DPI: 300. Ready to Print at Office/Home
Size: 210 x 297 mm , 8.5 x 11 inch
Free Standard Google fonts
Compatible: Google Docs, Microsoft Word
Easily change the text, images, and more
Style: Elegant