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Airbnb Welcome Book Vorlage

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If you want to make your airbnb place popular, use our template. This amazing Airbnb Welcome Book can become a punch line of your apartment or hotel. We added an image as an example. You can add any other one to make this template 100% suitable for promoting your services. Look at the cozy images we have chosen for you. They make this welcome book look incredibly nice.
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Kostenlos Vorlage
Erstellt: September 21, 2021
Autor: Elijah Johnson
DPI: 300. Druckbereit im Büro/Zuhause
Größe: 8.5 x 11 inch , 210 x 297 mm
Kostenlose Standard-Google-Schriftarten
Kompatibel: Google Docs, Microsoft Word
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Downloads: 833
Zu Sammlungen hinzugefügt: 7